A theoretical movement health blog

we are all part of this

A theory of movement

We loose many days of work and pleasure due to repetitive movement issues. I have spent decades developing a proprioceptive model helping to correct destructive movement patterns. I will interpret Lombard' paradox, plyometrics, oscillation, the calcium pump, the benefits of yoga and exercise all through a simple movement  model designed to improve the health and performance of athletes and active people. Everyone seems to know what's wrong until you loose interest or are presented with an unreasonable bill. I'm concerned with WHAT IS RIGHT? This is the story of how to move, why and where it could take us.

Who am I

Actually, above I said "we", there is no, 'We' it's just, 'I', am a ski instructor with 40 years freezing and clobbering your kids. I've been teaching skiing in Quebec for a while now and sort of gave up on learning, this years style, and decided to learn, what it is to move properly about twenty years ago, well maybe not, maybe more like fifty years ago on my way to school. It's been an obsession, I don't know why, but since then I've just wanted to be a better walker. A meme maybe; where it came from I do not know.  This led to GLiMWer which is the dawn of 'theoretical Physiques' a theory that pays homage to the infinite self as described by the Harvard med illustrator Bolinski in his viral Ted Talk. That stuff is med though, what I do is more like finding the support for the our souls journey my purpose may be yours too. This is meant to be read along with a ski lesson, Yoga practice, batting session or marathon.

I make no claim for accuracy as this theory was developed by me for me and seems also to work for clients who want to learn to ski, which is, walking, with boards on your feet. 

After watching this Bolinski video a hundred times I decided that, WE ARE A UNIVERSE! Each of us is so complex so vast and yet so similar to every other living being that to stand around with your mouth gaping at the wonder should be our norm. To make simple sense of all this complexity is my mission. I use current and historic sports and medical science and try to show the conformity of my insite. Well that and a lot of chipmunk study.

Locomotion, Waves, Oscillation and Fluidity

We are waves of energy. You've heard this before haven't you, but we are. The summation of the constant bombardment of gravity in conflict with the need to grow towards the sun, to the depths of its eternal force creating cel structures; life that could take us anywhere. Why we waste our time on the mechanical when there is this perfect organic reality we take with us wherever we go, experiment feel develop your proprioceptive strength be the infinite self. go skiing 

This is intended to be a conversation

If you have an interest in movement or movement issues please say Hi.

The story of GLiMwMer

Granular Lateral Medial Wave Motion

What if a ball could throw a string?

You had to ask?

The Story

The Beginning

I was fixing a bathroom with a friend who was sleeping in the occupy Ottawa compound. I asked him what they were protesting. He said, "everything", I thought about it and said, "BAN THE WHEEL", as I'm tired of street noise, but mostly because I teach skiing, and if there were no wheels, how would people get around; SKIS!!!!!!!!

The Contortions That Cause

I'M A CLUTZ and I've been trying to figure out; walking for fifty years, while all around me kids are flying over cliffs and doing Quadruple, Full, Full spins with their hands between their legs........turns out WALKING IS MORE COMPLICATED than all this. One foot in front of the other, heel toe heel toe is serious science and I think the best place to learn it is on a ski hill.

My Science My Theory

The hard science began fifteen years ago while observing kids on a ski hill and trying to dig deeper than the ski instructors manual had gone. I discovered Lombards Paradox; before I looked it up, however I've expounded it and fleshed it through a somewhat more all encompassing understanding of what I call THEORETICAL PHYSIQUES. I like the tittle to include theory because it allows for discussion as opposed to being an all or nothing  presentation. 


. Each and every one of these tiny micro machines is a living being and their composition is your body, not to be confused with, YOU, your body is this thing that you’ve inherited from the stars you could possibly be your own first encounter. These shapes I’ve led myself to believe were conjured up many years ago on a shore line as the waves of gravity pushed through the early elements of earth as days and years passed by the elements gained movement and form. The forms became groups the machines began to build 


I saw in the shape of a person three legs piled on top of each other. For instance the curve of the hips, knees and ankles follows that of the chest, lumbar and tail bone and again the head neck and top of chest. The arms are similar, but backwards. I cross referenced this observation with an expounded version of Lombards Paradox and came to an understanding of locomotion driven by oscillation. Oscillation was fascinating and the shapes to be experienced while making ski turns was encouraging. I began to notice that this shape repeated itself in so many other places around the body; the arches of the foot, the length of the calf and thigh, along the length of the thumb it was everywhere. Then the calcium pump was discovered, A micro machine inside a muscle cel that pitches calcium along the length of its fibril. Now lets count; there are hundreds of trillions of muscle cels, each has seven fibrils and attached to these there are many calcium pumps of the same shape as the rest of the body where they reside. They are sticks throwing balls (this should speak to the physicists out there). 

How goals get in the way

How can you rate yourself on an infinite scale. I was about forty five when I finally realized that I had a better chance of breaking light speed while skiing than I had of making the National ski team, even as a coach. So breaking light speed is a reasonable goal. Never been one for the pure logic of linear thought. I never wanted to write because, I had bad spelling. So, I didn't but I had something to say, but couldn't, so I didn't. It wasn't because I had nothing worth while to say. It was because I couldn't spell

To Those It May Concern

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